Jawbreaker – Unfun


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San Francisco’s Jawbreaker straddled a pivotal moment when emo was a “core”: halfway between insult and genre, hardcore and pop, underground and mainstream. Their lyrics stressed both punk principles and emotional outpourings. Their music was furious but catchy, with a set of mannerisms that flowed smoothly into indie-rock, pop-punk, and alt-rock: palm-muted power chords laced with bright octaves and harmonics; guitar leads rounding off into whistling feedback; counter-melodic bass lines; and epic breakdowns with arty sampled monologues. They had lofty ideals, but their songs walked around on the streets, sullen and pissed, with fresh scabs and dog-eared volumes of Bukowski in their back pockets.

The album was remastered by Jawbreaker drummer Adam Pfahler in 2008, and was reissued March 30, 2010, adding the 7″ mix of “Busy”.


01. Want
02. Seethruskin
03. Fine Day
04. Incomplete
05. Imaginary War
06. Busy
07. Softcore
08. Driven
09. Wound
10. Down
11. Gutless
12. Drone

Additional information

Weight 300 g



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